Reset your inner power with outside support.

Your life has you stressed out, tense, worried, anxious, and uptight. You’re feeling weighed down or uninspired and you want relief.

And perhaps you’re even feeling it in your body, noticing aches and pains or your immune system isn’t firing on all cylinders. You might be feeling like your judgment is cloudy, and you’re overly reactive and sensitive to triggers.

Confused about where to start to get back on track? Reiki sessions are the perfect place to begin and an ideal complement to traditional therapy and wellness initiatives.

Whether it’s past trauma you haven’t processed, negative emotions, anxiety, or doubt and fear that you’re experiencing, I can guide you through this ancient Japanese healing technique designed to alleviate stress, calm the mind, and promote balanced energy flow to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being… and restore your inner spark!

Hi, I’m Marisa.

I’m passionate about helping others heal and step back into their most aligned existence, because I lived a lot of my life unaware of how what was going on within me… how the stress, frustration, and emotional volatility impacted everything around me. Until I worked through my own intensive trauma-healing work and came to understand the connection between the mind, body, and energy, which completely transformed my life. Now as a Certified Coach and Advanced Reiki Practitioner, I get to help people just like you find their way back to a more centered, focused, and inspired existence.

You’re not alone in your journey and together, we can shift you back toward feeling uplifted, connected, and fulfilled.